Pawposely Painted
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PawposelyPainted Price List

Please understand that this list is not extensive. Contact the Artist for preferred sizes/ background styles that are not on the list.

Shipping is free within the UK.

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#Canvas Size (inches)Number of PetsPrice 
110x10 Inches1 Pet£295 
212x12 Inches1 Pet£340 
312x16 Inches1 Pet£440 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £90) 
416x20 Inches1 Pet£670 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £90) 
520x24 Inches1 Pet£790 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £150) 

Background options: Single colour/ Gradient/ Out-of-Focus.
Detailed background available on special request.

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Shipping is free within the UK.
Please contact the Artist for a quote on the cost of Int’l shipping as the costs will vary based on location.

#Canvas Size (inches)Number of PetsPrice 
110x10 Inches1 Pet£295 
212x12 Inches1 Pet£340 
312x16 Inches1 Pet£440 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £90) 
416x20 Inches1 Pet£670 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £90) 
520x24 Inches1 Pet£790 
..More petsEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £150) 

PawposelyPainted Price List

Please understand that this list is not extensive. Contact the Artist for preferred sizes/ background styles that are not on the list.

Shipping is free within the UK.

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#Canvas Size (inches)Number of PetsImage Estimation Options (What each size might give you)Price 
110x10 Inches1 PetHead£295 
2(a)12x12 Inches1 PetHead/ Head & Shoulders£340 
2(b)**12x12 Inches (Smaller Pets)**1 Smaller Pet**Full Body**£340 
312x16 Inches1 PetOne Full Body Upright£440 
..2 PetsTwo pets (heads/ half frames/ full bodies sideways) in Landscape OrientationAdditional pet: (a)[head] costs (Initial Sum + £50) / (b)[full body] costs (Initial Sum + £90) in this size 
4(a)16x20 Inches1 PetOne Full Body£670 
..2 to 3 PetsTwo to Three Half Body FramesEach additional pet [half body] costs (Initial Sum + £90) in this size 
4(b)**16x20 Inches (Group of Smaller Pets)**2 to 4 Smaller Pets**Two to Four Smaller Pets in Landscape OrientationEach additional pet costs (Initial Sum + £90) in this size 
520x24 Inches1 PetOne Large Full Body£790 
..2 PetsTwo Full Bodies in Vertical OrientationAdditional pet [full body] costs (Initial Sum + £150) in this size 
..2 to 3 PetsTwo to Three Pets in Landscape OrientationEach additional pet: (a)[half body] costs (Initial Sum + £100) / (b)[full body] costs (Initial Sum + £150) in this size 

Background options: Single colour/ Gradient/ Out-of-Focus.
Detailed background available on special request.

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Shipping is free within the UK.
Please contact the Artist for a quote on the cost of Int’l shipping as the costs will vary based on location.